1) My middle name is? => Veronica
2) I was born in? => San Francisco, California. United States
3) I am really? => Fun, outgoing, funny, other things
4) My cellphone company is? => Simpati (Telkomsel) & US Cellular
5) My eye color is? => Dark brown
6) My shoe size is? => 39/40, depends on brand
7) My ring size is? => I don't know, haven't been measured
8) My height is? => 156 cm
9) I am allergic to? => Shells, dust, cigarette smoke
10) My 1st car was? => BMW 135i
11) My 1st job was? => Coach of Cheerleading
12) Last book you read? => High End Teen Magazine
13) My bed is? => Memory foam
14) My pet? => Lots of dogs, two cats, and one guinea pig
15) My best friend? => I have more than one best friend
16) My favorite shampoo is? => NR Protein
17) Piggy banks are? => Useful, I use a tootsie roll bank
18) In my pockets? => Blackberry/Money
19) On my calendar? => A lot of things
20) Marriage is? => Bond of a love that God blessed
21) Last youtube video watched? => Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
22) How many cousins do you have? => A lot, I have 50 cousins (45 sibling cousins & 5 step cousins)
23) Do you have any siblings? => Yes! An older brother and a younger sister
24) Are your parents divorced? => Nope!
25) Are you taller than your Mom? => Not quite, but I will be
26) Do you play an instrument? => Violin
27) What did you do yesterday? => Hmm.. Cook, play games, watch tv, sleep
28) Love at first sight? => Jason
29) Luck? => Yes!
30) Fate? => No!
31) Yourself? => Of course yes!
32) Aliens? => No!
33) Heaven? => Yes!
34) Hell? => No!
35) God? => Of course yes! Love him so much than my self
36) Horoscopes? => No!
37) Soul mate? => Yes!
38) Ghosts? => Yes, I firmly believe I have seen one
39) Gay marriage? => Yes, but I think it's so crazy -_-
40) War? => Yes, but I think just waste of time
41) Orbs? => No!
42) Magic? => No!
43) Hugs or kisses? => Hugs
44) Drunk or high? => High
45) Phone or online? => Online on Phone :P
46) Red heads or black haired? => Black haired
47) Blondes or brunettes? => Brunettes
48) Hot or cold? => Depend weather, but I like cold drinks
49) Summer or winter? => Winter
50) Autumn or spring? => Spring
51) Chocolate or vanilla? => Vanilla
52) Night or afternoon? => Night
53) Oranges or apples? => Apples
54) Curly or straight hair? => Curly
55) McDonalds or burger king? => Burger King
56) White chocolate or milk chocolate? => Milk chocolate
57) Mac or pc? => PC
58) Flip flops or high heels? => High Heels
59) Ugly and rich or handsome and poor? => Depends of my heart, I think face and money doesn't matter
60) Coke or pepsi? => Not both
61) Hillary or obama? => Obama
62) Singing or dancing? => Dancing! :D
63) Small town or big city? => Big town
64) Manicure or pedicure? => Both!
65) East coast or west coast => West coast
66) Your birthday or christmas? => Both!
67) Chocolate or flowers? => Flowers
68) Disney or six flags? => Disney
{Last time}
69) Hugged someone? => This morning
70) Last time you ate? => Right now, dinner with roasted chicken
71) Cried in front of someone? => I forgot
72) Went to a movie theatre? => Last week
73) Took a vacation? => Right now, since 23 Juny 2012 until 8 July 2012
74) Swam in a pool? => Thursday, 31 May 2012
75) Went to a wedding? => Last week
76) Broke a bone? => When I was 3 years old and 15 years old
77) Something I will really miss when I leave home is? => My pets especially doggies :(
78) The last movie I saw in the theaters? => The Woman In Black
79) The thing I'm not looking forward to? => Waking up early tomorrow
80) People call me? => Vintan/Vivi/Pitan
81) My zodiac sign is? => Scorpion's girl
82) The first person I talked to today was? => My mommy
83) Frst time you had a crush? => Junior High School
84) Right now I'm talking to? => Nothing
85) What are you going to do when you grow up? => To be a successful doctor
86) The person that makes me cry the most is? => My Daddy :(
87) People that make you happy? => My family, my pets and my besties
88) Last time I cried? => Sunday, 1 July 2012
89) Your hair color is? => Black
90) My room is? => My favorite place
91) Do you want children? => Yes! Someday, when already married
92) Ever been in love? => Yes!
93) More guy friends or girl friends? => Both, but I think guy friends more enjoyable than girl friends
94) One person that you wish you could see right now? => My boyfriend (Melvin) :(
95) Have you made a list of things to do before you die? => Not yet, I haven't thought about it
96) I would like to move to? => Singapore or California but with my family
{My favorites}
97) Vehicle? => I actually prefer the car, but because I can't drive a car so I choose a motorcycle as my favorite vehicle
98) Cellphone provider? => In Indonesia (Simpati, Telkomsel) & In United States (US Cellular)
99) Animal? => All kind of animals, except insects
100) Day of the week? => Saturday and Sunday
101) Food? => Indonesian food, Italian food, European food
102) Radio station? => 98,7 Gen FM
103) Flower? => Rose and Orchid
104) Comedian? => Jeff Dunham, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Adam Sandler, and Andy Samberg
105) Place? => My bedroom and beach
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