1) My middle name is? => Veronica
2) I was born in? => San Francisco, California. United States
3) I am really? => Fun, outgoing, funny, other things
4) My cellphone company is? => Simpati (Telkomsel) & US Cellular
5) My eye color is? => Dark brown
6) My shoe size is? => 39/40, depends on brand
7) My ring size is? => I don't know, haven't been measured
8) My height is? => 156 cm
9) I am allergic to? => Shells, dust, cigarette smoke
10) My 1st car was? => BMW 135i
11) My 1st job was? => Coach of Cheerleading
12) Last book you read? => High End Teen Magazine
13) My bed is? => Memory foam
14) My pet? => Lots of dogs, two cats, and one guinea pig
15) My best friend? => I have more than one best friend
16) My favorite shampoo is? => NR Protein
17) Piggy banks are? => Useful, I use a tootsie roll bank
18) In my pockets? => Blackberry/Money
19) On my calendar? => A lot of things
20) Marriage is? => Bond of a love that God blessed
21) Last youtube video watched? => Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
22) How many cousins do you have? => A lot, I have 50 cousins (45 sibling cousins & 5 step cousins)
23) Do you have any siblings? => Yes! An older brother and a younger sister
24) Are your parents divorced? => Nope!
25) Are you taller than your Mom? => Not quite, but I will be
26) Do you play an instrument? => Violin
27) What did you do yesterday? => Hmm.. Cook, play games, watch tv, sleep
28) Love at first sight? => Jason
29) Luck? => Yes!
30) Fate? => No!
31) Yourself? => Of course yes!
32) Aliens? => No!
33) Heaven? => Yes!
34) Hell? => No!
35) God? => Of course yes! Love him so much than my self
36) Horoscopes? => No!
37) Soul mate? => Yes!
38) Ghosts? => Yes, I firmly believe I have seen one
39) Gay marriage? => Yes, but I think it's so crazy -_-
40) War? => Yes, but I think just waste of time
41) Orbs? => No!
42) Magic? => No!
43) Hugs or kisses? => Hugs
44) Drunk or high? => High
45) Phone or online? => Online on Phone :P
46) Red heads or black haired? => Black haired
47) Blondes or brunettes? => Brunettes
48) Hot or cold? => Depend weather, but I like cold drinks
49) Summer or winter? => Winter
50) Autumn or spring? => Spring
51) Chocolate or vanilla? => Vanilla
52) Night or afternoon? => Night
53) Oranges or apples? => Apples
54) Curly or straight hair? => Curly
55) McDonalds or burger king? => Burger King
56) White chocolate or milk chocolate? => Milk chocolate
57) Mac or pc? => PC
58) Flip flops or high heels? => High Heels
59) Ugly and rich or handsome and poor? => Depends of my heart, I think face and money doesn't matter
60) Coke or pepsi? => Not both
61) Hillary or obama? => Obama
62) Singing or dancing? => Dancing! :D
63) Small town or big city? => Big town
64) Manicure or pedicure? => Both!
65) East coast or west coast => West coast
66) Your birthday or christmas? => Both!
67) Chocolate or flowers? => Flowers
68) Disney or six flags? => Disney
{Last time}
69) Hugged someone? => This morning
70) Last time you ate? => Right now, dinner with roasted chicken
71) Cried in front of someone? => I forgot
72) Went to a movie theatre? => Last week
73) Took a vacation? => Right now, since 23 Juny 2012 until 8 July 2012
74) Swam in a pool? => Thursday, 31 May 2012
75) Went to a wedding? => Last week
76) Broke a bone? => When I was 3 years old and 15 years old
77) Something I will really miss when I leave home is? => My pets especially doggies :(
78) The last movie I saw in the theaters? => The Woman In Black
79) The thing I'm not looking forward to? => Waking up early tomorrow
80) People call me? => Vintan/Vivi/Pitan
81) My zodiac sign is? => Scorpion's girl
82) The first person I talked to today was? => My mommy
83) Frst time you had a crush? => Junior High School
84) Right now I'm talking to? => Nothing
85) What are you going to do when you grow up? => To be a successful doctor
86) The person that makes me cry the most is? => My Daddy :(
87) People that make you happy? => My family, my pets and my besties
88) Last time I cried? => Sunday, 1 July 2012
89) Your hair color is? => Black
90) My room is? => My favorite place
91) Do you want children? => Yes! Someday, when already married
92) Ever been in love? => Yes!
93) More guy friends or girl friends? => Both, but I think guy friends more enjoyable than girl friends
94) One person that you wish you could see right now? => My boyfriend (Melvin) :(
95) Have you made a list of things to do before you die? => Not yet, I haven't thought about it
96) I would like to move to? => Singapore or California but with my family
{My favorites}
97) Vehicle? => I actually prefer the car, but because I can't drive a car so I choose a motorcycle as my favorite vehicle
98) Cellphone provider? => In Indonesia (Simpati, Telkomsel) & In United States (US Cellular)
99) Animal? => All kind of animals, except insects
100) Day of the week? => Saturday and Sunday
101) Food? => Indonesian food, Italian food, European food
102) Radio station? => 98,7 Gen FM
103) Flower? => Rose and Orchid
104) Comedian? => Jeff Dunham, Larry the Cable Guy, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Adam Sandler, and Andy Samberg
105) Place? => My bedroom and beach
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A Ballerina in The Light Must Always be A Performer
Stand on your toes and wait for the applause to die
Complete your first turn and keep your balance
Your face falls so fake it
Smile and be merry
When your body rejects all movement
Transform into a person
Whom you have never met before
You freeze in your step and the torture is over
The audience rises for your standing ovation
Let the shadows hear your true self
as the light would not, could not listen
End it and become a performer to yourself
Get on with your life but prepare for the same pain tomorrow
1. Do you like chinese food? => No!
2. How big is your bed? => Big enough
3. Is your room clean? => Yes!
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? => Laptop
5. Favorite comedian? => I can't decide
6. Do you smoke? => No, it's useless
7. Does anyone like you? => I don't know, I'll ask someone later
8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? => What is that?
10. Sleep with or without clothes on? => With -__-
11. Who sleeps with you every night? => Alone
12. Do long distance relationships work? => Don't ask me, I'm optimistic :P
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? => Never
14. Pancakes or French Toast? => Pancakes
15. Do you like coffee? => Yes!
16. How do you like your eggs? => Scrambled
17. Do you believe in astrology? => Sometimes
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? => My besties (Vita)
19. Last person on your missed call list? => Unknown number
20. What was the last text message you received? => "Okay dear. Bye. Good night and sweet dream :)"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? => Burger King
22. Number of pillows? => Two
23. Last thing you ate? => Roast chicken and Grilled fish :P
24. Last thing you bought? => Cake or something like that
25. What are you hearing right now? => Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
26. Pick a lyric? => "I have loved you for a thousand years"
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? => Grape or Strawberry
28. Can you play pool? => Yes! On wii :P
29. Do you know how to swim? Noooooo!!! -___-
2. How big is your bed? => Big enough
3. Is your room clean? => Yes!
4. Laptop or Desktop computer? => Laptop
5. Favorite comedian? => I can't decide
6. Do you smoke? => No, it's useless
7. Does anyone like you? => I don't know, I'll ask someone later
8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? => What is that?
10. Sleep with or without clothes on? => With -__-
11. Who sleeps with you every night? => Alone
12. Do long distance relationships work? => Don't ask me, I'm optimistic :P
13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? => Never
14. Pancakes or French Toast? => Pancakes
15. Do you like coffee? => Yes!
16. How do you like your eggs? => Scrambled
17. Do you believe in astrology? => Sometimes
18. Last person you talked to on the phone? => My besties (Vita)
19. Last person on your missed call list? => Unknown number
20. What was the last text message you received? => "Okay dear. Bye. Good night and sweet dream :)"
21. McDonalds or Burger King? => Burger King
22. Number of pillows? => Two
23. Last thing you ate? => Roast chicken and Grilled fish :P
24. Last thing you bought? => Cake or something like that
25. What are you hearing right now? => Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
26. Pick a lyric? => "I have loved you for a thousand years"
27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? => Grape or Strawberry
28. Can you play pool? => Yes! On wii :P
29. Do you know how to swim? Noooooo!!! -___-
30. Favorite ice cream? => Vanilla!
31. Do you like maps? => What does it mean?
32. Tell me a random fact? => Sometimes I walk in circle while changing my clothes LOL :P
33. Ever had a hard on at work? => Nope
34. Ever attend a theme party? => Yes!
35. Ever do a keg stand? => What's that?
36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? => Never happened
37. What is your favorite season? => Spring and Winter
38. What is the first music video you ever saw? => I think it was "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia
39. Pick a movie quote> => "We could be dead, or even worst, expelled"
40. Favorite quote? => "Life is simple. It's just not easy"
41. What is your favorite hangout? => Everywhere, as long as I'm with my friends
42. Best friend's name? => I have more than one best friend
43. How long have you known them? => Long enough
44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? => Today I laughed at something stupid
45. What time did you wake up this morning? => 05.00 am
46. Wake up next to anyone? => There's no one
47. Best thing about winter? => Ice skating and make snowman! :D
48. Name a couple of favorite colors? => Blue, Purple, White, Pink
49. How old are you? => 18 almost 19 years old
50. What month is your birthday in? => November
51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? => Super cool, but kinda gross
52. What are you doing this weekend? => Go to the dentist and then creambath ;)
53. What do you think about this questions? => I feel like a star :P No, I'm joking
Dating Girls: Why Is It So Hard?
Boys, we know that you think that girls are so complicated, and unreasonable, and so difficult. But actually, we're really not. It's just that we have a different view at things from you. So here are tips that I think could help (because I listen to their stories, every single day, trust me. And I am also, one of them)
Nope, not talking about The Christmas Carol. I am talking about your ex-girlfriends, or any girl you've ever interested in. This is a little bit tricky, you can talk about them, but don't praise them. Don't praise them, at all. Girls want to be better than them for you. And also, this doesn't mean that you must talk about them all the time, we're gonna think that you still have feelings for your ex. And NEVER, EVER, make your girl jealous with your ex on purpose. That's just mean.
2. The Unreasonable(s)
Okay, I think I'm gonna stop here now, I'm kinda tired. I'll post more about this later. Just...be nice to your girlfriends, just like Finn to Rachel, and Ted Mosby to all the girls he dated. Because she might be the best thing you've ever have.
My Beatles Wish List
I love The Beatles. No, I'm not trying to be "cool" or whatever. I genuinely love them. And I found some stuffs on the internet and stores....And I frickin want them. So bad.
1. The Beatles Stereo Box Set
2. This Beatles shirt
1. The Beatles Stereo Box Set
2. This Beatles shirt
3. The Beatles Anthology DVD Set
4. The Beatles Guitar Picks
5. "With The Beatles" Guitar Strap
6. "Rubber Soul" Blanket
7. And of course, The Beatles' charm bracelet
Who Run The World
I cried a lot. Even I, find it annoying. But today, for the first time after so many years, I was able to hold my tears.
Why do girls cry? Yep, boys. They speak in a completely different language that we can't understand what each other is saying. I've seen my friends do everything for their boyfriend. And from what I see, their boyfriends are just some jerks, they don't know how lucky they are to have a girl that loves them. Because some things just can't be replaced once you lose them. Girls, don't waste your tears. If you got hurt too many times, he's not worth it. He must choose. If he wants to be your boyfriend, don't be a jerk. If he wants to be a jerk, don't be your boyfriend. And cheaters are just unforgivable.
Why do girls cry? Yep, boys. They speak in a completely different language that we can't understand what each other is saying. I've seen my friends do everything for their boyfriend. And from what I see, their boyfriends are just some jerks, they don't know how lucky they are to have a girl that loves them. Because some things just can't be replaced once you lose them. Girls, don't waste your tears. If you got hurt too many times, he's not worth it. He must choose. If he wants to be your boyfriend, don't be a jerk. If he wants to be a jerk, don't be your boyfriend. And cheaters are just unforgivable.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Life Is Life, Fight For It
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
Just Face It Boy, She's In Love With You
She yells because she cares; she cries because she’s frustrated. She randomly smiles because she’s thinking of you, even if you’re already there. She scrunches her face because she’s about to explode, not because she’s constipated. She hits you because she wants to touch you. She stares at you because she’s infatuated. She calls every half hour because she misses you. She lectures you because she’s boss, not mom. She kisses you because she just wants to. She asks you questions because she’s curious, not to be annoying. She wants to know where you are to be with you. She calls just to hear your voice. She walks beside you to hold your hand. She sits close to you to lean on your shoulder. She stands in front of you because she wants a hug. Just face it boy; she’s in love with you.
A Thousand Years
(Verse 1)
Heart beats fastColors and promisesHow to be braveHow can I love when I'm afraidTo fallBut watching you stand aloneAll of my doubtSuddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everydayWaiting for youDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
(Verse 2)Time stands stillBeauty in all she isI will be braveI will not let anythingTake awayWhat's standing in front of meEvery breathEvery hour has come to this
Heart beats fastColors and promisesHow to be braveHow can I love when I'm afraidTo fallBut watching you stand aloneAll of my doubtSuddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everydayWaiting for youDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
(Verse 2)Time stands stillBeauty in all she isI will be braveI will not let anythingTake awayWhat's standing in front of meEvery breathEvery hour has come to this
I have died everydayWaiting for youDarlin' don't be afraidI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll love you for aThousand more
And all along I believedI would find youTime has broughtYour heart to meI have loved you for aThousand yearsI'll loved you for aThousand more
"Sabar itu kadang menyakitkan. Diam itu kadang menyiksa. Bicara pun kadang percuma"
Sabar itu menyakitkan. Ya, menyakitkan, karena dalam kata sabar, berarti kita bisa terima apapun dalam keadaan apapun. Kita gabisa ngelak. Mau marah susah, kesel gabisa, karena ada rasa "ga enak" yang mengganjal dalam diri. Sabar itu menyakitkan. Nyakitin kita karena kita hanya bisa mengiyakan keadaan. Nyakitin kita karena kita hanya bisa diam dan tersenyum disaat orang lain menguji kita.
Diam itu kadang menyiksa. Sangat. Karena dalam diam, apa yang seharusnya kita bisa katakan menjadi gak terkatakan dikarenakan mulut kita terkunci. Membuat isi pikiran kita penuh. Diam bukan berarti gapunya masalah. Diam biasanya tangisan. Tangisan yang tertahan. Tangisan yang lebih menyiksa. Diam juga sebuah tanda. Tanda ingin ada yang menanyakan. Ingin ditanya, ingin dihibur, ingin ada yang ngeyakinin kalo semuanya baik-baik aja.
Bicara pun kadang percuma....kalo kita bicara tentang isi hati pun, apa ada yang bener-bener ngerti? Apa ada yang bisa ngerasain? Percuma. Buang-buang waktu juga. Kadangpun orang yang ingin tau apa yang terjadi sama diri kita bukan karena mereka pengen bantuin ataupun nyelesein masalah, tapi karena mereka cuma pengen tau. Sekedar pengen tau, ga lebih. Ga ada yang bener-bener ngertiin, karena mereka ga ada di posisi kita. Mereka ga tau apa aja yang berkecamuk dipikiran kita. Jadi, buat apa ngutarain isi hati? Ga akan ada hasilnya dan ga akan ngerubah keadaan huft =(
Sabar itu menyakitkan. Ya, menyakitkan, karena dalam kata sabar, berarti kita bisa terima apapun dalam keadaan apapun. Kita gabisa ngelak. Mau marah susah, kesel gabisa, karena ada rasa "ga enak" yang mengganjal dalam diri. Sabar itu menyakitkan. Nyakitin kita karena kita hanya bisa mengiyakan keadaan. Nyakitin kita karena kita hanya bisa diam dan tersenyum disaat orang lain menguji kita.
Diam itu kadang menyiksa. Sangat. Karena dalam diam, apa yang seharusnya kita bisa katakan menjadi gak terkatakan dikarenakan mulut kita terkunci. Membuat isi pikiran kita penuh. Diam bukan berarti gapunya masalah. Diam biasanya tangisan. Tangisan yang tertahan. Tangisan yang lebih menyiksa. Diam juga sebuah tanda. Tanda ingin ada yang menanyakan. Ingin ditanya, ingin dihibur, ingin ada yang ngeyakinin kalo semuanya baik-baik aja.
Bicara pun kadang percuma....kalo kita bicara tentang isi hati pun, apa ada yang bener-bener ngerti? Apa ada yang bisa ngerasain? Percuma. Buang-buang waktu juga. Kadangpun orang yang ingin tau apa yang terjadi sama diri kita bukan karena mereka pengen bantuin ataupun nyelesein masalah, tapi karena mereka cuma pengen tau. Sekedar pengen tau, ga lebih. Ga ada yang bener-bener ngertiin, karena mereka ga ada di posisi kita. Mereka ga tau apa aja yang berkecamuk dipikiran kita. Jadi, buat apa ngutarain isi hati? Ga akan ada hasilnya dan ga akan ngerubah keadaan huft =(
My Feeling ='(
Hello. Mau curhat nih setelah kurang lebih hampir setengah tahun ga nulis hmm..
Kalo kata temenku si abror sih, "Hidup ini seperti roda yang berputar. Kadang kita berada diatas dengan kebahagiaan, kadang kita berada dibawah dengan kesedihan" dan gue bener-bener lagi berada di roda posisi bawah.
First, my scores in university really worst. Even worse than worst =(
Second, I feel so stupid because I pretend to ignore someone who actually cares about me. It hurts.
Then I goes again, believing in something that's never going to happen. Everyday...
And the worst, I can't hold on my feelings now. My temper is very bad inside and it's not because I'm labile, this is just me. I feel like I should be crying or screaming or something but I can't because I'm turned off.
How many times do I forgive someone just because I don't want to lose them, even though they don't deserve my forgiveness?
I tried to pray over and over again. But nothing has changed. I started to sleep earlier everyday to forget what just happened to me. But it doesn't help me.
Sometimes it feels like that life just hates me ='(
Kalo kata temenku si abror sih, "Hidup ini seperti roda yang berputar. Kadang kita berada diatas dengan kebahagiaan, kadang kita berada dibawah dengan kesedihan" dan gue bener-bener lagi berada di roda posisi bawah.
First, my scores in university really worst. Even worse than worst =(
Second, I feel so stupid because I pretend to ignore someone who actually cares about me. It hurts.
Then I goes again, believing in something that's never going to happen. Everyday...
And the worst, I can't hold on my feelings now. My temper is very bad inside and it's not because I'm labile, this is just me. I feel like I should be crying or screaming or something but I can't because I'm turned off.
How many times do I forgive someone just because I don't want to lose them, even though they don't deserve my forgiveness?
I tried to pray over and over again. But nothing has changed. I started to sleep earlier everyday to forget what just happened to me. But it doesn't help me.
Sometimes it feels like that life just hates me ='(
Maafkan Aku, Gavin =(
Hi, Gavin Anditya Putra. Aku tau kamu pasti bingung kenapa tiba" aku menghilang dari kehidupanmu, maafkan aku karena aku memblock mu di facebook, twitter, dan yahoo messenger. Aku tau memang kita tidak pernah bertemu sebelumnya, kita hanya kenal di twitter, karena kamu meminta ku memfollow back mu dan akhirnya kita mulai dekat walaupun hanya di jejaring sosial, kita sering bercerita apa yang kita rasakan satu sama lain meskipun kita tidak pernah saling ketemu dan saling kenal di dunia nyata. Tapi walaupun begitu, percayalah Gavin kamu sudah aku anggap sebagai sahabatku. Aku sangat berterima kasih padamu karena selama kurang lebih setahun kita berkomunikasi di jejaring sosial, kamu sudah mau mendengarkan curhatku, kamu sudah kamu mempercayaiku sebagai tempat curhatmu, dan membantu ku dalam hal yang lain-lain. Aku juga meminta maaf padamu apabila selama setahun kita bersahabat di jejaring sosial ini aku mempunyai kesalahan yang membuatmu kesal, marah, kecewa, dan lain-lain. Tapi pada suatu saat aku melihat following twitter mu dan aku rasa tepat disaat itulah kita harus mengakhiri semua ini, semua jalinan persahabat di dunia maya ini harus berakhir. Aku tidak mengerti sebenarnya kamu mengerti semua ini atau tidak tapi walaupun kamu tidak bertanya apapun tentang diriku, aku tetap yakin bahwa kamu pasti sudah tau yang sebenarnya dari diriku kan? Maafkan aku menghilang tiba" tanpa memberi tau ke kamu apa yang sebenernya terjadi. Aku juga sudah yakin pasti semua ini akan terbongkar dan aku juga tau aku ga bisa terus-terusan begini tapi aku memang terlalu pengecut vin, aku ini pengecuuuttt! ='( Maafkan aku telah membohongimu, aku minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya Gavin, aku minta maaf dari lubuk hatiku yang paling dalam ='( Aku tau kesalahan ku ini sangat fatal, kebohonganku ini sangat keterlaluan dan aku minta maaf Gavin ='( Ya aku memang tau ini hak mu apakah kamu mau memaafkan ku atau tidak tapi yang jelas aku masih menganggap mu sahabatku, walaupun sekarang kamu udah benci banget sama aku atau bahkan ga mau kenal aku lagi tapi itu semua hak kamu vin, aku emang berhak kok untuk kamu benci ='( Tapi dilubuk hatiku paling dalam kamu tetap aku anggap sahabatku =') Aku tau aku bohong soal diriku, tapiaku tidak berbohong semuanya Gavin, aku memang mungkin bohong untuk identitas tapi aku ga bohong tentang apa yang udah aku ceritain ke kamu, hampir semua yang aku ceritain ke kamu itu nyata vin, itu memang kisah aku sebenarnya yang aku rasain vin, pas aku cerita masalah aku sakit, orang tua ku, kakakku, saudara" ku, sekolahku, liburanku, cerita saat aku sedih/seneng itu semua ga bohong vin, sumpah itu semua kisah nyata, makanya aku berterima kasih banget karena kamu udah mau dengerin curhatan aku yang sebenarnya walaupun dari identitas yang palsu. Maafkan aku vin, sekali lagi aku minta maaf, aku ga tau sampai kapan kamu mau memaafkan aku atau bahkan mungkin kamu ga pernah mau maafin aku dan ga akan mau pernah kenal aku lagi ='( Aku berharap kamu masih mau jadi sahabatku, masih mau mendengekan curhatan ku, masih mau saling berbagi cerita walaupun hanya di dunia maya dan kita tidak pernah bertemu tapi aku bisa merasakan kamu itu orang baik vin, tapi aku tau harapan ku ini terlalu besar dan bodoh, udah kamu maafin aja aku udah bersyukur dan berterima kasih banget tapi aku malah minta lebih, aku ini emang gatau diri! Sekali lagi aku minta maaf yaa Gavin Anditya Putra, sahabat dunia maya ku yang ku sayang =') Maafkan aku ga meminta maaf langsung terus terang padamu karena aku malu dan aku takut kamu marah vin, makanya aku menulis di blog ini sebagai permintaan maaf ku dan rasa bersalahku, aku berharap semoga kamu membaca blog ku ini. Kalau kamu mau menanggapi tulisan blog ku ini, kamu boleh comment ataupun sms aku vin, aku masih mau kok berkomunikasi lagi sama kamu =') Byee
Salam Sayang,
Vintan Veronica Rosaline
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